What We Do
If you are a:

- Teacher and wish to motivate more your pupils
- Parent and wish to connect more with your kids
- Creative teenager with awesome ideas
- Researcher and need to make your customised equipment
- Project manager with a mock up
- Business and need specific industrial parts
- Humanist and wish to improve the life of everyone everywhere
Then highly competent and committed 3D modelling and Metallurgy experts of ADEPP Fablab are at your service to make your creative and rapid prototyping projects a success story.
We can deliver the optimal mobile or fixed educational Fabrication Labs for your schools, leisure centres and family. The service includes:
- Provision of the 3D model selection. Both open source and customised parts can be envisaged.
- Purchase and installation the suitable 3D printer, computer and auxiliary equipment.
- Customise the educational courses for the e-courses and Fablab activities.
- Coach and training of teachers, pupils and parents for 3D printing.
We can support the higher education and R&D projects with the rapid prototyping techniques including:
- CNC machines
- 3D printers
- Investment casting.
We can advise the researchers for optimal choice of:
- Rapid prototyping techniques
- 3D modelling and simulation
- Material selection
Through ADEPP 365 Learning and Career Solution we can support your creative personal projects by:
- Exposing your ideas to like-minded people worldwide
- Creation and management of development teams
- Preparation of the business plan for your final products
- Advise on your Marketing plan
- Advise for finding the finance
Services includes:
- Consultancy services for appropriate rapid prototyping techniques
- Consultancy services on material selections
- 3D modelling, simulation and optimisation of your parts
- Advise on the optimal assembling and disassembling configuration
- Purchase, fabrication and delivery management of the parts
- Realisation of plant and parts mock up
Education Zone
Motivate your students - Bound with your kids - Stimulate your creativity

3D modelling and printers are progresses very fast. The possibilities are endless. But choosing among so many possibilities can be a real challenge. For a successful educational 3D printing workshop you should:
- Select of the right 3D model software or open sources
- Select type and brand of 3D printer and 3D scanners
- Select the appropriate and cost effective materials
- Prepare the course, exercise and guideline contents
- Be trained as trainer or coach
- Coach step by step the trainees
- Get help of professional for special parts
- Collaborate and exchange with like-minded people
- Maintain your equipment and raw material storage
3D printing workshops can be designed for a room as small as 3x4 m2. Depending your space and budget our experts will propose you the possible options for:
- Fundamentals and amusement with Physics subjects
- Fundamentals and amusement with Biology subjects
- Fundamentals and amusement with building and construction subjects
- Fundamentals and amusement with Art Crafts
- Creative and innovative subjects
With the mobile 3D workshops solutions the internal space of a camion or truck is reorganised and architect for the 3D printing workshops. The mobile workshops can be shared between schools, leisure centres, public parks and amusement centres and private parties. With mobile solution more people with affordable cost can benefit the 3D printer workshop facilities and educational programs.
Innovation Zone

100 idea - 10 project - 1 business
Global Study: 75% of People Think They're Not Living Up to Creative Potential. Studies also show that 95% of children are creative. This number is decreased to 4% for the 50+ individuals.
With age and social experiences we understand that there are too many barriers in realisation of our projects. Finally we give up and are drown our creativity in non-exciting routines.
But there is a Hope!
Web technology, advance and easy 3D modelling and simulation tools and rapid prototyping techniques enable the laymen and laywomen of today to realise their ideas, make differences in their and other lives and become the shining super stars of tomorrow!